Sayantam Dey on Product Development

7 posts tagged with "Leadership"


Managing a New Team
Oct 8 2023

For a manager, taking over a new Team is almost the same as switching jobs.


Finding Common Ground
Feb 12 2023

A few years ago, I contributed to the immediate structure and environment after an M&A.


Not Letting Go of Employees
Dec 4 2022

Twitterverse is agog with news of Twitter laying off 75% of its workforce.


On Managing Yourself
Mar 9 2022

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." So likewise, the journey of a leadership role begins with managing oneself.


Make It Easier to get an Approval
Jun 14 2021

Do you know the best way to win a street fight. Don't get into one. This wisdom also applies to getting approval for something.


A Genuine, Creative and Helpful Method to Review Proposals
May 11 2021

Writing and reviewing proposals is an integral part of the work of a leader.


My Top Three Leadership Lessons
Mar 9 2021

In 2013, I was offered a leadership role in the organization's innovation Lab. I liked the people I worked with, so I accepted the offer.