Sayantam Dey on Product Development

The First Post

Apr 20, 2019
Lift Off!

Just like fashion, technology tends to go in circles, and static web sites are rising in popularity for content. There have been many iterations in the way content is published on the Internet, since Tim Berners-Lee brought the first web page to life on August 6, 1991. We have gone from that first static page to dynamically generated content on servers, and now back to static web sites.

This makes a lot of sense. There is no reason to store content in a relational database to be served by a server. It is much faster to deliver static content from the server or preferably from a CDN. Apart from speed, using a CDN increases security as well, because there is no way to reach the content system from the CDN, and the content system could be put behind a firewall.

There are a ton of static web site generator frameworks in many different programming languages, and Gatsby is one of them. I chose Gatsby because it gives me React with SSR, and I am free to choose my layout and components. The other reason is the ecosystem makes it simple to publish to a domain, much like Heroku, I never have to leave Git.

Hopefully, I will be able to maintain a decent cadence for my writing, as I resume after almost three years!

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