Sayantam Dey on Product Development



Agile Planning for Distributed Systems
Feb 24 2024

Agile planning is hard for enterprise and cloud-native development.


Technical Decisions that you'll Regret Later
Jan 28 2024

Software development Teams make many decisions while building systems.


Managing a New Team
Oct 8 2023

For a manager, taking over a new Team is almost the same as switching jobs.


How Time-based OTP (TOTP) works
Sep 10 2023

The adoption of two-factor authentication (2FA) has been steadily growing over the past three years.


Flux-CD Pattern for AWS CDK8s Services
Jul 9 2023

AWS Cloud Development Kit for Kubernetes called generates Kubernetes manifest files for Kubernetes () deployments and services.


How Headless CMS work
Jun 25 2023

Headless CMSs came about because it is hard to build a single platform that content writers like using and software developers like…


Project Planning - Structure and Perspectives
Apr 30 2023

Starting a new project can be confusing and take a long time to get off the ground.


A Selection Mindset for Interviews
Apr 9 2023

"The candidate was not technically strong," said the feedback email from the technical manager.


Competence = Discipline x Skills
Mar 12 2023

We have all seen job ads with almost impossible expectations. Most of the time, senior programmers set these expectations.


Finding Common Ground
Feb 12 2023

A few years ago, I contributed to the immediate structure and environment after an M&A.


Effective Dependency Inversion
Dec 25 2022

Can you spot the issues in the following code snippet.


Not Letting Go of Employees
Dec 4 2022

Twitterverse is agog with news of Twitter laying off 75% of its workforce.


Password-less Web Login with a Mobile App
Apr 17 2022

If you have used Whatsapp web, you have experienced the use case explored in this post.


On Managing Yourself
Mar 9 2022

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step." So likewise, the journey of a leadership role begins with managing oneself.


Authentication and Authorization with AWS - API Gateway
Dec 29 2021

AWS Cognito User Pools and Federated Identities can be used to authorize API gateway requests.


Authentication and Authorization with AWS - Federated Access
Nov 21 2021

AWS Cognito Identity Pools provide authenticated users access to AWS resources.


Authentication and Authorization with AWS - Cognito SAML Integration
Nov 14 2021

AWS Cognito integrates with a corporate identity provider such as Active Directory (AD) using SAML.


Authentication and Authorization with AWS - Cognito Sign-up and Sign-in
Oct 17 2021

Amazon Web Services (AWS) provides Cognito to delegate authentication and authorization out of applications completely.


Authentication and Authorization with AWS - About IAM
Sep 12 2021

Amazon Web Services (AWS) references a dizzying number of concepts, resources, patterns, and best practices to provide a fully managed…


Make It Easier to get an Approval
Jun 14 2021

Do you know the best way to win a street fight. Don't get into one. This wisdom also applies to getting approval for something.


My Experiments with Pricing Strategy
Jun 9 2021

I am an Engineer by training and experience. Sales is a mysterious field for me.


Lessons from Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)
May 23 2021

SOA invokes mixed feelings amongst Software Architects and Developers. It began with a promise but ended up confusing people.


A Genuine, Creative and Helpful Method to Review Proposals
May 11 2021

Writing and reviewing proposals is an integral part of the work of a leader.


My Top Three Leadership Lessons
Mar 9 2021

In 2013, I was offered a leadership role in the organization's innovation Lab. I liked the people I worked with, so I accepted the offer.


JAM Stack
Nov 29 2020

In a previous post on how this blog works, I referred to Gatsby and GraphQL.


How this Blog Works
Nov 15 2020

I find myself scratching my head everytime I need to explain the inner workings of my blog. It is not because it is special or complex.


Message Delivery Guarantees with ActiveMQ
Aug 17 2019

Apache ActiveMQ is a mature messaging middleware.


The First Post
Apr 20 2019

Just like fashion, technology tends to go in circles, and static web sites are rising in popularity for content.